teaching people to SHARE their blessings and bruises to connect with love and empathy

shipped every Sunday @ 3pm CST

we have to share.

we publish weekly.

we will go first.


What People Are SHAREing?

“You have helped me more than the therapist I’ve been talking to for 3 months. You are just naturally good at this and I believe you could help a lot of people.”

— N.M. (CPD)

“SHAREapy is like therapy but both parties participate. Two human stories. Two people connecting empathetically. The goal is to give more people the tools and the confidence to step into the safe space of SHAREing. We have way more in common, good and bad, than people want to admit.”

— Joel Barnes (Founder. Share.)

“It’s so easy to doubt and compare my circumstances to others, but that happens in isolation. SHARE-ing is the life boat that gets me off the island and reunites me with community. It reminds me that I’m not alone.“

— Rachel Blau

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We don’t take it lightly that you’d trust us with a gift. Thank you.


share. the collection.

~ $10 of each piece you order is received by share.

~ $10 of each piece you order is received by share.

Follow us @wehavetoshare